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Canvas Auto-Cleanup
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, projects. can have many interconnected dependencies, making the Canvas visually cluttered. Canvas Auto-Cleanup feature can automatically identify overlapping connectors that cross over a group or activity and hide them to improve visual clarity.

A 'Connector Summary Badge' with a numerical value will appear on the top right of the originating and terminating group or activity. This badge indicates the number of connectors that Auto-Cleanup has hidden.

Image 1 - Before Auto-Cleanup

Image 2 - After Auto-Cleanup

If you click on the 'Connector Summary Badge' (a circle with a number inside, located next to the activity or group), the hidden connectors originating or terminating from that element will be displayed again.

Only the elements connected to G1 will be shown in this state; others will be made dim for visual clarity.

You can manually 'Pin' a connector if that is important for your project by clicking the 'Pin' icon.

Conversely, you can hide a connector by clicking on the 'Unpin' icon on any connector.

Note: You can only expand one 'Connector Summary Badge' at a time. Clicking on a new badge will cause the previously expanded badge to collapse.

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